Looking back at the regional initiatives from the October 2024 CTB workshop

January 2025

During the October 17th event, HABITER2030, ENSAPL and CD2E offered a workshop around a crucial question: how to reduce the footprint of construction materials by 25%.

Cet atelier participatif s’adressait aux maîtres d’ouvrage, maître d’œuvre, AMO, Bureau d’études, de contrôle, This participatory workshop was aimed at developers, contractors and project managers, design and survey offices, industrialists, researchers, and professionals in recycling, construction and demolition.

Our shared goal is to reduce the carbon footprint of construction materials by 25%. This transition towards circular, resource-conserving construction must make it possible to respond to the scarcity of materials which leads to increased costs; to reach the next RE2020 goals; and to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.

This meeting among key actors enabled the sharing of ideas, best practices and expectations.

This work resulted in the pooling of knowledge on the subjects of:

  • The evaluation of the carbon impact of materials and equipment per batch of “Documents de Consultation des Entreprises” (Business Consultation Documents)
  • The constraints and envisioned levers for action

This meeting was organised in the context of a European initiative: INTERREG Circular Trust Building, including CD2E and the Ecole Nationale d’Architecture et de Paysage de Lille.

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